- Creating first webpage
- Adding Different Content to webpage
- Adding styles to Webpage
- Different ways of adding CSS
- Beautifying a webpage
- Boot Strap
- working with multiple classes
- creating Responsive Webpages
- Java Script
- Different ways of adding Java Script Web Page
- Adding Dynamic nature to webpage
- Performing client-side Validation
- Core concepts of Java script
- React
- Creating Single Page Application
- Creating & Rendering components
- Connecting with backend APIs
- Node JS
- Server-side Java Script
- Working with multiple
- modules
- Creating node project
- Node JS
- Express JS
- Introduction to MVC
- Working with Express
- Creating a Server
- Implementation of Routing
- Connecting with Database
- Mongo DB
- Introduction to MongoDB
- Working with both CLI&GUI
- Based clients
- Implementing CRUD
- Operations
- Working with Multiple
- Scenarios
- Git & Git Hub
- Introduction to version control
- Introduction to Git & Git Hub
- working with Git
- working with GitHub
- 6+ Live Real Time projects using all above Technologies.
- A Comprehensive Job oriented Training Program.
- Regular Assignments & Mock Interviews
- Well-structured Course with Industry Standards