Microsoft Azure
Cloud Computing Introduction
- What is Cloud Computing
- Cloud Characteristics
- Cloud Computing Service Models
- Deployment Models in Cloud Computing
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing Job Roles
- Cloud Computing Platforms and Certifications
Getting Starting with Azure
- Introduction to Azure
- Why, What and Benefits of Azure
- Azure Hosting Models
- Azure Services
- Subscribing to Microsoft Azure
- Azure Portals
- Azure Key Concepts
- Azure Resource Group
- Installing Microsoft Azure SDK
Configure & Manage Azure Virtual Networks
- Overview of Azure Networking
- Virtual Network Benefits
- Understanding Network Resources
- Implement and manage virtual networking
- Create a VNet using Azure Portal
- Create a Subnet
- Configure private and public IP addresses
- Create Network Interface Card with public, and private IP addresses
- Create a Virtual Machine
Setup Network Security Group
- Create security rules Associate NSG to a subnet or network interface
- Identify required ports Evaluate effective security rules
Load Balancer
- Configure external and internal Azure Load balancer
- Load Balancing Rules Implement front end IP configuration Configure NAT rules
Azure Firewall Understanding Azure DNS
- Configure Azure DNS
- Public and Private DNS Zones
- Understanding and Creating Availability Set
- Understanding Availability Zones
- Azure Front Door Service
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting Network Connectivity
Implement Advanced Virtual Networking
- Azure Application Gateway
- Azure Traffic Manager
- Create connectivity between virtual networks
- Verify virtual network connectivity
Integrate on-premises network with Azure virtual network
- Azure Application Gateway
- Azure Traffic Manager
- Create connectivity between virtual networks
- Site-to-Site VPN
- Express Route Solution
Monitor and Manage Networking
- Azure Application Gateway
- Azure Traffic Manager
- Create connectivity between virtual networks
- Verify, Manage and Monitor on-premises connectivity;
- Use network resource monitoring and Network Watcher
- Manage external networking and virtual network connectivity
Managing Azure with Windows PowerShell and Azure CLI
- Installing the required modules
- Login to Azure Portal
- Managing Resource Group
- Managing App Service Plans and App Service Web Apps
- Create and Configure a Storage Account
- Managing Storage Accounts using PowerShell
- Azure CLI Introduction and Setup
- Creating Resources
- Listing and Formatting output
- Connect a Web App to SQL Database
- Deleting Resources
- Interactive Mode
Manage resource groups
- Use Azure policies for resource groups
- Configure resource locks
- Configure resource policies
- Implement and set tagging on resource groups
- Move resources across resource groups
- Remove resource groups
Managing ARM Templates
- Understanding Azure Resource Manager (ARM)
- Exporting and Importing ARM templates.
- ARM Resource Providers
- Deploy ARM Templates
- Using PowerShell
- Azure CLI
- Azure Portal
5.Incremental and Complete Deployments
Azure Storage Service
- About Storage Service and Account
- Creating a Storage Account
- Working with Blob Storage
- Types of Blobs (Block, Append, Page)
- Container and Metadata
- Soft Copy
- Azure Storage Explorer
- Transfer Data using AzCopy
- Programming Blob Storage
- Async Blob Copy
- Import and Export Service
- Implement and Configure CDN
- Configure Custom Domain
- Scale Blob Storage
- Storage Service Encryption
Azure Queues Storage
- Understanding Async Communication using Queues
- Comparing Azure Queues and Service Bus Queues
Azure SMB File Storage
- Common usage of File Storage
- Shares, Directory and File
- Managing Using Azure Portal
- Azure File Sync
Azure Virtual Machine
- Introduction
- About Virtual Machine Workloads
- Create a Windows Virtual Machine using Portal / PowerShell / ARM Templates
- Deploy popular application frameworks by using Azure Resource Manager templates
- Virtual Machine Disk
- Convert Unmanaged Disk to Managed Disk
- Generalizing VM and Capture VM Images
- Upload an on-premise VHD to Storage Account and attach to VM as Data Disk
- Working with Disk Snapshot
- VM Disk Types
- VM Sizes in Azure
- Configuring VM Disk Encryption
- Perform configuration management
- VM Extensions & VM Agents
- Custom Script Extensions
- Desired State Configuration (DSC)
- Access Extension
14.Virtual Machine Scale Sets
15.Configure VM monitoring, configure alerts, diagnostic and monitoring storage location
Implement Azure Backup and Restore
- Overview of Azure Backup
- Configure VM backup
- Create Recovery Services Vault
- Define and Implement backup policies
- Perform VM restore
- Perform backup operation
- Configure and review backup reports
Azure Monitoring and Log Analytics Workspace
- Azure Monitor Overview
- Monitoring Metrics
- Monitoring Logs
- Log Analytic Workspace
- Collect data from an Azure VM / Windows
- computer
- Azure Activity Logs
- Azure Diagnostics Logs
- Configure and Analyze Application Insight
Manage Azure Subscriptions and Azure
- Understanding Azure Subscriptions
- Configuring Role Based Access Control
- RBAC using Portal
- RBAC using PowerShell and CLI
- Custom Roles for RBAC
- Managing Subscription Policies
- Locking Resources
- Checking Resources Limits
- Resource Tags
Managing and Securing Identities using Azure Active Directory
- Azure AD Introduction
- Azure AD Editions
- Managing Active Directories
- Adding a custom domain name to Azure AD
- Managing Azure AD Users, Groups and Devices
- Adding Partner Users from other organization
- Configure Windows 10 with Azure AD domain join
- Synchronizing On-Premise AD Identities with Azure AD
- Azure AD Connect
- Azure AD User Sign-In Options
- Password Synchronization
- Passthrough Authentication
- Federated SSO
Managing and Securing Identities using Azure Active Directory
- Multi Factory Authentication
- Conditional Access Policy
- Access Reviews
- Privilege Identity Management
- Add Users and Groups to Application
- Revoke access to SaaS Applications
5.Managed Identities
6.Multi-Tenant vs Single-Tenant Applications